Friday, November 2, 2007

7 1/2 habits #2

I was able to listen to this podcast.

Register my blog #4

I registered my blog

The end #23

I enjoyed the different sites in 2.0. There were some that I did not a clue that they existed. Only one of the podcasts worked for me. It could have been the computer that I was on. I would definately participate in another program if it were offered.

Audiobooks #22

I was unable to create an account in PLCMC. The message told me that the site was unavailable. I will try this again at a later time.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Podcast #21

I searched for Soulja boy in podcast alley and I was able to add the rss feed to my blogline account.I could not find my search for Soulja boy in I found Soulja boy in yahoo podcasts but I could not find the rss feed.

Youtube Crank that Spongebob#20

Web 2.0 awards #19

I explored the different links and they were allright. I did like the zeitgeist site. I can see some of the sites usefulness in a library setting.

Zoho #18

I have ran across a document that would let you type & make changes online.At the time I did not know what program was the root to the document. I am glad that I know now. I typed and saved a document to Zoho. I will have to explore this site more when I have more time. I will use zoho in the near future. Zoho is the way to go.